Omaha Pain Control Chiropractic & Neurology Clinic

Specializing In All Areas Of Back, Neck & Body Pain
With any treatment plan three visits is enough to know if you are improving or not.
After your third visit with Advanced Chiropractic & Neurology, PC you will be completely reevaluated to measure the success of the current line of treatment.
Your treatment will be changing as your condition improves. We constantly measure your results, to be sure you never go three visits without improvement!
Patient Testimonials
Omaha Advanced Chiropractic and Neurology understands The Complexities Of The Human Body
Why Choose ACN?
We are the only clinic in Omaha that combines the physical manipulation or chiropractic with natural neurological treatments and muscle therapies as part of a total plan fo your full recovery.
Are Any Of These You?
· Chronic Headaches
· Chronic muscle tension
· Chronic back pain or fatigue
· Visibly bad or uneven posture
· Accidents involving spinal or head trauma (concussion or worse)
· Have been to medical Doctors who tell you you’re fine
· Doctor prescribes medicine, but when the prescription runs out you are back where you started
· treatment by traditional chiropractor or physical therapy but the problem comes right back